YP of the Month: Andrew D’Amour

Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) introduces you to the “Young Professional of the Month,” Andrew D’Amour. Each month, the CYPN Steering Committee recommends a young professional in the community it thinks readers would enjoy getting to know better.

Andrew D’Amour

How old are you? 25.

Where do you live? Belmont, NH.

Where do you currently work? Depends on the day! I am the Marketing Manager at The Hotel Concord, the Community Manager at HRKNSScowork, and a Program Manager at Launch NH.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born in Arizona but I have been in NH for 23 years. I am a UNH Graduate and was lucky enough to get introduced to the Concord Community, the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce and CYPN fairly early on in my Concord career. I am very excited about trying to enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the state through HRKNSScowork and Launch NH.

What’s your favorite part of your work day? Lunch on Main Street. Any restaurant really… we try to hit them all!

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? I am a huge fan of Constantly Pizza! Wonderful pizza and an even better team!

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefited your business or you personally? We hosted a headshot event early on in my time at HRKNSScowork, and I got to know a lot of the team and members!

Favorite movie of all time? Any early 2000’s Rom-Com.

Last book you’ve read? Matthew McConaughey’s autobiography Greenlights.

What is one of your life goals? Win the lottery and disappear.

What do you like to do for fun? Golf, hockey, boating, riding motorcycles, etc.

Favorite places to be? Winnisquam Sandbar, Hermit Island in Small Point, Maine, and the West Coast of Barbados.

Where is the best place you’ve visited? The island of Barbados—paradise!

If you could visit any country, where would you go? Italy for sure.

What’s your favorite memory in Concord? Going to see a buddy from high school perform at the Bank of NH Stage and then going to Penuche’s afterwards for a beer.

Join the CYPN and the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce for an evening of networking, baseball and ferocious fun with New Hampshire Fisher Cats on Wednesday, May 17! Invite your friends, colleagues or family for a relaxing summer evening with hot dogs, raffles, tours and drink specials in the Samuel Adams Brewhouse starting at 5 p.m. Get your complimentary tickets in advance! Sign up for all CYPN events at concordnhchamber.com.