Advocacy Update: December 2024

The Chamber’s Local Government Affairs Committee, chaired by former mayor Jim Bouley, meets monthly to keep lines of communication open between the business community and City of Concord officials and staff. Last winter, this committee heard from Mayor Champlin regarding City Council priorities. In March, the Chamber shared its own priorities with the City Council. Since then, the committee has:

1. Created a subcommittee to make recommendations on changes to the zoning ordinance. The city’s transition to form-based zoning is currently stalled; form-based zoning is a model that prioritizes building design and its relationship to surrounding structures, versus a strict land separation. Although it will take time for the zoning ordinance structure to change, relatively minor revisions to the zoning ordinance could incrementally improve the development process, and remove unnecessary obstacles that create delays and increase project expenses. Moving into 2025, the Local Government Affairs committee has identified six specific recommendations for short-term changes to the zoning ordinance. The committee is preparing for a future presentation of these suggestions to City Council.

2. Met with the City Manager and key development staff to review priority projects and initiatives. Economic development for tax base expansion and increased housing stock are high on the list of Chamber priorities.

3. Began a series of meetings with City Councilors. These meetings will further clarify Chamber priorities and explore ways we can work more closely with the city on shared goals.

Chamber President, Tim Sink, has also been participating in the “Mayor’s Visitation Program” that focuses on business retention through interactions with key employers across the city. These conversations explore business needs and provide opportunities to discuss ways the City and Chamber can assist these organizations in meeting their goals. Successful business visitation programs can identify issues early on, while there is still time to mitigate problems for impacted businesses.

Learn more the Local and State Government Affairs Committees here.

Photo: 160 Driving Academy ribbon cutting