"The Chamber has really helped me find my footing in Concord, and I cannot thank you enough. In the short time I have been here I have made so many connections and I can only see that growing."

— Karen Waters, New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp, Funds for Education Golf Committee


Our dedicated volunteers are an essential part of our organization. These committees advocate for local businesses, provide educational programs for area students, beautify New Hampshire’s capital city and much more.

If you’re interested in serving on a committee, please reach out to the appropriate Chamber staff liaison.


Ambassadors create connections with new members, and help existing members grow their professional network. They are the public relations arm of the Chamber, welcoming people to events, attending new business ribbon cuttings, and have a wealth of knowledge on the business community.

Staff Liaisons, Gabriel Szczepanik


Madison Hendrick, 


Funds for Education
This committee of dedicated volunteers selects community-based educational programming that would benefit from additional financing. Selected initiatives typically support practical skill-building and connect students to business leaders in the community, where they can learn about different industries and career opportunities.

Staff Liaison, Bryanna Marceau


Capital Area Student Leadership (CASL)

This immersive program for high school sophomores encourages students to learn more about their community, and their own unique skills and strengths as leaders. The CASL committee plans each year’s program, facilitates the session days, and manages many logistics of the program.

Staff Liaison, Bryanna Marceau


Creative Concord

Creative Concord presents an annual sculpture exhibit, coordinates city-wide arts events, plans mural projects, and serves as a convening platform for leaders of the area’s cultural organizations. This committee was initially established to measure and advance the region’s robust creative economy.

Staff Liaison, Tim Sink


Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN)

CYPN offers networking, community involvement, and social opportunities for young professionals who live or work in the Greater Concord area. CYPN hosts monthly networking events, an annual Wellness Series and a Neighborhood Nonprofit Night that connects young people to area nonprofits.

Inclusion in Action

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) task force is dedicated to researching and strategizing ways to support the Chamber’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

Staff Liaison, Bryanna Marceau


Funds for Education Golf Committee

The Chamber’s Annual Funds for Education Golf Tournament raises funds for Capital Area Student Leadership (CASL), and Funds for Education. This lively committee plans the event at Beaver Meadow Golf Course.

Staff Liaison, Madison Hendrick


Leadership Greater Concord (LGC)

Leadership Greater Concord (LGC) is an immersive, year-long program for area professionals who are interested in becoming more involved in the Capital Region. LGC graduates often go on to serve as elected leaders or on nonprofit boards. The LGC Steering Committee plans each year’s program, facilitates the session days, and manages many logistics of the program.

Staff Liaison, Bryanna Marceau


Local Government Affairs

This committee reviews and monitors information that affects businesses at the local level. These volunteers inform the community about key issues, and advocate for local businesses. A recent focus of this group has been the upcoming I-93 expansion project.

Staff Liaison, Tim Sink


State Government Affairs

This committee defines Chamber advocacy efforts at a state level. This includes reviewing upcoming legislation, informing businesses of key issues, and advocating for businesses at the New Hampshire State House.

Staff Liaison, Tim Sink


Our Team