"I just wanted to let you know how appreciative I am for the ongoing webinars that the Chamber has worked so hard to put together. As a new business owner here in Concord, they have been truly invaluable."

— Crystal-Lee Thompson, Allstate Thompson Insurance Agency


Whether you are just starting a business, are moving your company to the Capital Region, or have been working in Greater Concord for decades, these practical resources can help your organization thrive. Not seeing the resource you’re looking for? Reach out to us, and we will do our best to connect you to the best information for your unique situation.

Federal changes’ impact on our business community

Many businesses in our community are facing uncertainty due to policy changes at the federal level. We’ve heard from several of you, and are grateful for the
conversations we’ve had around a few key areas of concern: tariffs, compliance requirements and best practices for workplace policies, funding for
organizations that receive government support—particularly nonprofits—and small business loans.

We are committed to keeping our members informed and as more information becomes available, we will continue to provide updates to help you understand and effectively comply with any changes. Our goal is to equip our members with the tools they need to adapt and build stability in the months ahead.

We are here to support you, and our doors are always open. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or want to discuss how these changes may impact your organization. Chamber President, Tim Sink, can be reached at tsink@concordnhchamber.com or (603) 224-2508.

Resources for navigating federal actions:


Orr & Reno Legal Breakfast Series: How to Prepare your Workplace for ICE Enforcement Actions

Is your workplace ready to respond to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions? The Trump administration has promised ramped up ICE enforcement throughout the country, and we are already seeing increased visits to businesses across NH. This panel will focus on creating policies for responding to ICE enforcement actions in your business. In advance of a visit by ICE, your organization may want to determine:

  1. The designated point person
  2. Would you consent to ICE entering private areas or would you require a judicial subpoena?
  3. If Notice of Inspection for I-9s is served, would you request the full response time?
  4. Review various documents that ICE may present upon entering your business and options for responding to each

Immigration and Your Workplace

New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility offered a workshop to help NH businesses and nonprofits understand recent federal actions and their potential consequences. The panel addressed critical questions, including workplace rights and responsibilities concerning immigration enforcement.

Additional resources:

Watch the webinar recording:


Examining the State Budget 2025 Webinar Series

New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute’s upcoming State Budget Webinar Series is a three-part virtual program that will provide insights into the Governor’s (February 21), House Finance Committee’s (April 7), and Senate Finance Committee’s (June 3) proposed budgets. Each session will highlight key developments in the legislative process, offering historical context and comparisons to the current operating budget, and will delve into public policy priorities for the next two years.

Watch the February 21 presentation:

Navigating Funding Uncertainty with a Sustainable Revenue Strategy

This four-week learning pathway is presented by New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits and Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society. The program includes three webinars:

  • Tuesday, April 8, 3-4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, April 22, 3-4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 6, 3-4:30 p.m.


Taxpayer Advocate Service

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS. They offer many resources, and can offer assistance if the IRS is not able to help you.


Resources from New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs

Business Advising

Meet one-one-one with a business advisor to create a plan to start your business, or learn how to bring your company to the next level. Reach out to our partners below; they provide free coaching sessions with experienced advisors.

Underserved Businesses

It’s important to have a diverse business community. These resources are geared for women-run, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and veteran-owned businesses.

Center for Women & Enterprise

The Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE), helps women launch and grow their businesses by connecting them with the resources to succeed through 1:1 business advising, workshops, business planning, strategic planning, and networking.


Veterans Business Outreach Center of New England


In partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration, Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) of New England equips veteran and active duty service members and their families with the resources to help them start and run their businesses.

More Veteran Services

Professional Development

Ongoing training is important for professionals at any level. We connect professionals at any stage of their career with complementary workshops on practical business topics.

Chamber Resources
Member Resources
Our Partner Resources

Workforce Resources

Find housing, childcare and other key resources for your employees.

Tax Assistance
Energy Cost Assistance

Dial 211 to connect with a specially trained Information and Referral Specialist. These individuals can connect you with whatever resources you need. 211 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is an initiative of Granite United Way.

Concord Residents

Mental Health

Access essential resources, share information with your employees, and create a safe workplace environment.


Call or text 988 to get connected with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Trained counselors are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To be connected exclusively with New Hampshire’s Rapid Response Team, call or text 1-833-710-6477.

Additional Business Resources

New Hampshire’s Capital Region is an ideal location to start or relocate a business. These additional  assets will help your organization thrive.

Corporate Transparency Act
Coworking and Makerspaces
Downtown Concord Businesses
Business Development

Join us

You’re invited to join our community! Chamber members share their skills, and support each other to build stronger businesses, develop Greater Concord as a tourism destination, and expand our vibrant local economy.